Is your kid spending 4-8 hours online playing games everyday?
Do you know that if he devoted 2 hours in internet marketing and 6 hours to games, he'll still earn from the internet?
How about his school work?
Do you know that with just one word added to his google search he can bypass all the "web junk" and go to
authoritative sites for faster and better quality school research?
Have you heard of teenagers earning money from setting up stores - yet they don't even have a
product to sell that they created? Find out how to do it the right way!
Or maybe you're just an internet knowledgeable yuppie or graduate who simply wants to learn how to create dollar
income from the internet?
And this summer you are probably thinking of how to mold your young person at home into a better person (this
could be you!). You'd like them to learn some really important things in life like:
1. Goal setting
2. Pro-activeness
3. Honesty and Integrity
4. Perseverance
5. Following successful life patterns
6. Where to find excellent mentors
And you correctly conclude: You need to give them a "project" to work on. But what kind of project?
Announcing the TrulyRich Hands-On Internet Marketing Workshop for the Youth!
Two whole days of young people doing what they always want to do (sit in front of the computer)
but learning about life, goals, finances (income generation from the internet) and preparing them for a better future.
This May 8-9,2009, Friday/Saturday, Time: 2pm - 9pm May 8/ 10am-5:30pm May 9
Emai: to reserve your seat(s)
Call Beckie at 7229562 (9am-5pm Tuesdays to Fridays)
More details: